ripping off the truth band-aid

I will say this, I thank my mother for the face that she has given me. Both of my parents, thank you because I know I'm not ugly. It's all on you guys, you made me this way and I thank you, time and time again.

But before you sit there and think "oh my goodness what a conceited wench.." hold up, wait, let me explain..

I am not, I repeat am not immune from getting hit on by absolute cretens with no morals, filters and/or manners. Just absolutely disgusting ugly men and I mean I get hit on by them wayyyy more than Mr. Outstanding Body and Beautiful Face. It's sad, sad that in this day and age men still think "damn ma.." is a polite and appropriate way to reach out to the girl whose walking to work in dress pants, an oversized blazer and flip flops because have you ever tried walking through NYC in heels? Yeah. No, those bad boys are for show at the office.

Or worse a DM on instagram.. like come on?

So back to my subject at hand, this is a bit different than most of the times I've blogged, this is an open ended discussion, more a question for men and then a solution for women.

I must ask, do you think when I ignore your countless DMs, it's because I haven't seen them?

Do you think by calling me ugly after I ignore you in the street will make me automatically turn around and realize that you are the love of my life and I'm about to miss out on a world of cheap weed and living in your mother's basement?

Do you think that by me saying no to your numerous advances, over and over is because I'm playing hard to get?

Did it ever occur to you that I told you I had a boyfriend because I wanted to spare your feelings?

And last but not least, why can't you take the word "no" like a gentlemen? Why must you say "can we be friends?"

Now don't get me wrong, I've cursed off my handful of pervert men but now that I'm an adult, I choose to either ignore them or "let them down easy" and by easy I really mean, the nicest human way possible. I've tried everything from telling a guy I was a lesbian (seriously ladies, we need to stop doing that, it never and I mean never works) to having a boyfriend. (No, my imaginary boyfriend does not allow me to have friends.)

And before you think that I'm over here curving every John and Joe, no, I just decide on three factors on whether we're compatible pretty instantly. First and foremost, am I attracted to you? So yes, I'm sorry boys, if I'm not attracted to you sending me pictures of you in your BMW as an entrance DM is not going to make me drop my undies.

Second, I look at the way you approached me, was it with respect or are you a super douche that started the conversation like "girl all that ass, i'd marry it.." YEAH NO THANKS. I'm probably going to block you or worse post your DMs in here, because I'm 10 seconds from doing that.

And lastly, I look to see if you're a bum. Okay, seriously guys get over it. I'm not a gold digger, I've got my own and if I ever don't, I've got an amazing family who will help me in my time of need even if I was 100 years old because that's how men treat their relatives in my culture. I don't care if you're making 50k or you're making 500k, just make something.

Are you educated? Did you go to college? Are you in between jobs? That's okay, that's life. It can get rough but if you look like a bum who sells drugs somewhere in Dykeman or a suburban area you live in on your weird skateboard playing pokemon Go (seriously you're a grown ass man) then please do not be surprised when I don't even give you the satisfaction of an answer to your asinine DM.

And when I'm walking in the street? Seriously, fuck you. I mean I literally have no words for the shit that comes out of your immature and uneducated ass.

And listen, I get it. I know what my body looks like and I understand I take some selfies that are sexier than others but fuck you. Fuck you left and right if you think that because of some PG-13 photos, it's going to get you laid when you reach out to me with the most ridiculous comments I've ever seen.

I mean, I block people like I eat skittles. Constantly, many and all at once. And if you think I'm the only one, that girls don't deal with this bullshit consistently? You're delusional.

And luckily, most men who read this won't be able to relate to anything I say and for you, you amazing examples of the male gender, we thank you for just being you. So ignore this entire post because I can say for all women of the world, we appreciate you.

So ladies, I've devised a plan. An small, tiny solution to a really pain in the ass problem from an encounter I had a little while ago involving a semi-stalker. And when I say semi-stalker I mean he would call me from numerous numbers and emails and hit me up on whats app and found my instagram and email address of one of my book blogs and other various ways to hit me up and call me names when I refused to answer. It was fairly scary and ironically ended because of something so simple which I'll elaborate on, another time, another post.

Anywho, back to my solution. Ladies, it's all so simple. I realized that the reason that none of my methods were working is because they're lies. Telling a man that you're a lesbian, you're married, you use to be a man (I did that once, he didn't care) and even as simply as ignoring him hoping he'll go away will never and I repeat NEVER work like telling the truth will.

I know you're confused but it's so simple. Tell them "you're not interested." Simple as that, guys it works. I'm telling you but I'll be honest you're gonna have to hurt some feelings in the process. 99.9 percent of the time they ask you to elaborate and holy shit, I hate it. I don't want to tell you the truth, don't make meeeee. but you have too.

Do it. Tell them you don't find them attractive. Tell them you're not a fan of every post being about weed. Tell him you're really not okay with him having a wife and six kids. Tell him his mention of your boobs makes you hate him already. Just whatever works. Seriously, don't just ignore him. Tell him. It sucks because nobody wants to hear that but sometimes you just have to rip off the band-aid. If your simple "I'm sorry, I am single but I'm just not interested," isn't working and they want more? Well, they should be careful what they wish for.

And I know what you're thinking. No way that works every time but you have to think to yourself, when was the last time you told a guy you weren't interested instead of making some big elaborate lie up to get him to leave you alone?

Exactly! Most of us don't want to hurt anyones feelings, even Mr. "Damn ma.." but just do it. Who cares how they react, even if its with malice, stay calm, simply state you're not interested, if they ask why, tell them the damn truth. My favorite is telling them I'm not attracted to them (works 100 percent of the time.) DO IT!

Ladies, I swear to you. It has yet to fail me. Even with my stalker and several weirdos after, something as simple as the truth will set you free. And I know all women get bombarded and I can imagine what I go through is probably a walk in the park for some women.

You have to tell the truth because believe me John and Joe will listen. And not only will they listen but you'll never get a "damn ma.." from them ever again.



Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


  1. Love this!! (No I don't like your weed pictures) lol

  2. I love the focus you bring to showing ladies the value in truth. I read another one of your posts and I am really glad to see that running as a constant in your writing. And like I said in my previous comment the truth is the missing ingredient no one wants to o use in courtship, relationships, etc...
    But this is a great post because I see the same thing on Instagram ALL OF THE TIME! I never realized the relentless, often time classless barrage of messages and comments that women face day to day on social media until I started promoting a website I am working on. And just as you stated when you look at these profiles every post will be memes about how great of a man they are (self proclaimed good man) or a awkwardly angled selfie they feel is their best angle after a hair cut, and of course WEED! Lots of pictures of weed as if a woman will come to their page and be so overwhelmed with his weed picture collection that she will beg him to come sweep her off her feet lol.
    I would be irresponsible not to mention the money memes and pictures of money that if you reverse search on google you can find posted by the actual owner. After seeing this for over a year I am wondering has it ever worked? Of all of the women I know they all see through the facade but despite that the men soldier on valiantly as if they are advancing their position. Its confusing lol
    I think some of these guys are afraid to be themselves because they feel as if it won't attract a buyer. So, they go the used car salesman route and shine themselves up only to leave the woman with PTSD and buyers remorse.
    Anyway, this is another great post and I look forward to reading many more!
